It is 5 years since we gave birth to 3C Global and went to market, and what a fun journey it has been so far!
In February 2016, we started from humble beginnings and from where most good businesses start.....at a dining table with a plan and a dream.
If it was good enough for Google, Amazon, Facebook, Dell, Microsoft, Apple etc. to start there, it was good enough for us too!
As the old proverb goes "great oaks from little acorns grow", meaning to start small, to grow tall, step by step, organically.
Although we had plenty of experience in working in the industry already, it was somewhat of a different proposition to sit down and plot our path as a new business.
Our journey thus far has had many high's, and thankfully, not as many lows. We have made some mistakes, but also we have learned from them.
In March 2016, we got our first clients, who we suspect knew as much, but were understanding, patient and not demanding. Their belief in us meant everything at the time.
In 2017, we got our first office - it was quite the change from the dining table and allowed us to grow. We also opened our new company in Ireland.
In 2018, we opened a new entity in Amsterdam, Netherlands allowing us to provide service to the Dutch market.
In 2019, we built our new website and put it out to the world.
In 2020, we formed our company in Germany and became an affiliate member of APSCo (Association of Professional Staffing Companies). We also registered as foreign employers in Sweden, Denmark and Hungary.
So far in 2021, we have been approved by the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency) in Germany and were granted our AUG licence.
We are extremely proud to also officially been recognised as a trusted partner of APSCo. Our new status demonstrates that we are trusted to operate compliantly, ethically and to uphold the highest possible standards whilst serving the recruitment sector.
We would like to thank the thousands of people who have interacted and worked with our business since our inception. Be that as family, colleagues, contractors, suppliers, advisors, staffing agencies, multinational clients and anyone who has supported 3C Global from across the globe.
A lot has been achieved in the last 5 years and we are delighted to reach this milestone. Moving forward, we will focus on growing more, improving what we do and continuing to work hard on behalf of our clients in the next 5 years to come.