As the most southerly of the Scandinavian nations, Denmark consists of Jutland, a peninsula and 443 named islands. The mainland of Denmark is located southwest of Sweden and south of Norway, with borders with Germany to the south. The Kingdom of Denmark also consists of Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
Denmark is a developed mixed economy that is classed as a high income economy by the World Bank. It is the tenth most competitive company in the world and the sixth in Europe. Denmark operates an “open trade economy”, with imports and exports providing much of the country’s income. At present, services provide 75% of Denmark’s GDP. The country came third place in the “ease of doing business rank” in 2019. Denmark ranks highest in the world for the provision of workers’ rights. Although workers pay high taxes, they also enjoy a high standard of government provided services such as health care, childcare and education. Owing to this and the low unemployment rates, workers here enjoy a comfortable quality of life.
Some of the largest companies in Denmark include Arla Group, Carlsberg and Danske Bank.
3C Global ensures that companies and contractors moving into Denmark are fully compliant in terms of remuneration and taxation regulations.
3C Global provides a full set of services in Denmark allowing corporate clients, recruitment companies and contractors to operate in an optimal manner, while ensuring that all local employment obligations are taken care of.