How to Maintain a positive outlook between contracting Jobs:
There are many benefits to contracting, including but not limited to gaining invaluable industry experience, flexibility, and increased autonomy over the contracts you undertake. The freedom to work from anywhere worldwide and improved work-life balance are critical motivators for professionals undertaking this career path. However, one of the downsides of contracting can be gaps in reliable, steady, and assured jobs. It can be challenging to maintain a positive mindset, mainly when you are between contracting jobs. We have gathered a few tips from industry experts on retaining positive thoughts during this period.
In his piece on how to keep your spirits up between contracts, Marc Burrage – Regional Managing Director of Hays Asia, suggests that contractors should approach this period of unemployment with the mindset that it is a project. Contractors are advised to formulate a plan to help them in their job search and to help the contractor regain control.
Utilise this time to upskill, refresh knowledge, and reach professional goals:
You may find yourself with more free time on your hands during this period. However, it is essential to refrain from squandering this time and use it to refresh any digital certifications, refresh your knowledge, or upskill in an area beneficial for your industry.
Reflect and evaluate on past contracting experiences:
Taking time to reflect on previous contracts is imperative. Reflection can help you narrow your search by identifying the critical elements of a company you want to work for. These include, but are not limited to, location, company size, working hours, industry, and company culture. In addition, you can use this time for self-reflection. You can delve into your successes, failures, and critical lessons. This reflection can also help you better articulate your skillset and update your CV, portfolio, and LinkedIn profile.
Reach out to contacts within your network:
Securing your next contract will be a priority. Look through your LinkedIn contacts and reach out. Some of your past colleagues and connections can provide invaluable contacts, an introduction, or refer you for a role within their organisation.
Reach out to recruiters in your network to see if they have any contracting roles that they are actively hiring for.
Reaching out to contacts you have collected over your career can be beneficial as your next contract may be out within your existing network.
Stay inspired and motivated:
Maintaining motivation between contracts is a challenging fiat. It can be easy to be discouraged, exhaust the search, and experience burnout. It is crucial to assign set hours for job searching to allow yourself downtime to focus on looking after your well-being, seeing friends and family, and getting well-needed rest. Implementing set hours will leave you in a better mindset for continuing your search.
Use this time to place the focus on yourself and your talents. Use this time to remind yourself why you chose contracting and its many benefits.
A version of this article has previously appeared on the Hays website.